Friday, May 10, 2013

Letter to Parents (May 2013)

Dear Parents,

I really hope you are enjoying Spring! There really is no place like Halifax once the weather gets nice. I just wanted to continue in my attempt to communicate and partner with you in helping your teen grow in their faith and involvement with Shiloh. We are making plans for the rest of Spring and Summer and wanted to let you know some of the upcoming plans and the "why's" behind them.

1. Reminder Shiloh doesn't stop during the Summer. It's great to have a rest and enjoy the Summer but for us in student ministry we love the fact that with school out, students have more time, and we want to make the most of that. Shiloh on Wednesday night will continue (6:30PM) without stopping. Go enjoy vacations and camps but know we are here as always. Help your teen get here when they can.

2. Do you have a teen starting grade 7? (or know a parent who does). The question is often asked "when does my teen start Shiloh - when school is out in June or in September?" Well it's up to you, but we suggest that they start when school is out because it gets them comfortable with Shiloh before starting school... which is a big transition. The more support they can build before school starts the better

3. There are 2 changes to Cadre (our small groups). As of right now, cadres meet weekly on different nights all over the area in leaders' homes. Change #1; Like in years past we are taking the month of June off from Cadre and will start back up in July. We do this simply to give students more time to study for final exams and also to give our leaders a break before hitting the Summer season of ministry. Change #2; When we start Cadre back up in July we will be having them all at the church on Wednesday night after Shiloh. This is only for the month of July and August and we are excited about it. Shiloh will be the same starting at 6:30 and going to 8pm with worship and preaching but then from 8:00 to 8:30 we will have Cadres meeting in different rooms here in the church

Why would we do this?
We believe that every teen needs Cadre and this makes it easier for them to attend. Instead of working on trying to get another free night (part time jobs, sport leagues, family plans) and trying to get a drive, we are packing all the fun into one night. For you the parent all it means is that you pick up your student 30 minutes later than usual. If a student doesn't want to attend a Cadre they can come and enjoy Shiloh and then leave as usual but for those looking to try Cadre, it's a natural fit to join us when Shiloh finishes for Cadre in the building.

Why not do this all the time?
We are aware of the clock and when school is on we don't want to keep your student out late. Also during the rest of the year, Family Night is happening with the kids and adults using the rest of the building so the room isn't there to do it.

My leaders and myself are preparing a great program for these summer Cadres and we are believing for our small groups to go to another lever this summer

4. Summer of Fun. As in years past, we want to make sure we build fun into the schedule. We are planning different events that we call "Summer of Fun" that you will see promoted shortly. Events such as indoor soccer (Sackville Sports Stadium), beach trips, Magic Mountain water park, BBQ 's etc. We want to enjoy the Summer make the most of it.

5. Our church conference is a few weeks away (May 31st weekend). Nothing builds a student's faith like seeing its importance in the life of their parents. Please join us and get your teens there as well. We are working hard to make sure it is valuable and enjoyable for the whole family. From a youth ministry point of view, let me say that this will be a weekend your teen can't miss. Register HERE and you could also win amazing prizes just for signing up. Did we mention the conference is FREE? You have to love that!

Thank you again for your support and I truly believe we have amazing students and the future is bright!

Pastor Mike

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